Baby Telekinesis
I’ve always harbored the feeling that if I really concentrate, focus and practice, that I could move things with my mind. Ever since I was young. It’s something that I know is a little silly, but part of me always holds out for it. And when I hear that yogis can do it, my western science mind gives in just a little bit.
But as a father, I’m observing and learning all the time. Someone told me once that our kids are our best teachers, and I wouldn’t argue yet. While I was watching Edie play at the table the other day, gradually dropping every toy to the floor, it hit me: this is where my belief in telekinesis comes from. All Edie has to do is want something, reach towards it, and possibly make a little noise, and – VOOM! – it’s in her hands. I’m slowly training her to believe on a visceral level in telekinesis. And I still can’t shake the feeling that maybe it’ll work for me, too.
I agree with you 100%! It’s great to get a little vldiaation once in awhile, since people seem more willing to share negative opinions at times. I was kind of surprised to run into so much negativity with the way I parent here because I thought Taiwanese people would be way more AP leaning. It turns out that people are constantly telling me I’m spoiling him by carrying him so much and not letting him cry. At the same time, a lot of people seem to cosleep. I’m very confused, and I’m thinking that they would probably just criticize me no matter what I did. Oh well, I guess no one fits any one parenting style 100%. I’m glad someone recognized how great what you’re doing is for your little guy!
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