Jolly Jumper

Edie striking a pose in her Jolly Jumper

I remember these cool little jumpers from when I was a kid. We decided to get one for Edie, but it’s been about a two month process. We looked around town first, and the only thing we could find was really bulky and had lots of plastic parts to it. Plus, the spring was really stiff, so it didn’t really seem like much fun for Edie. After looking around online, the only place Ashley could find a decent old-fashioned style jumper was at Toys-R-Us — in Canada. This is not the first time we’ve had to look outside the US for cool baby things.

Fortunately for us, our friend Owen went to the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, and he was able to stop at Toys-R-Us and pick one up for us.

Edie isn’t as big of a fan as I thought she would be of her Jolly Jumper. If I’m there playing with her, she and I can play for probably 20 minutes or so before she gets board. If I’m watching her from the kitchen table while I’m cooking, she tends to get board after five minutes unless I hand her new toys to play with.

What I like about it is that she’s upright, and has a chance to use her leg muscles without me bending halfway over and “exercising” my back. Once she gets a little bigger, I could see there being a risk of her hitting her head on the door jamb if I’m not watching closely, but this isn’t something I’d leave her unattended in anyway.