New Friends
We spent the weekend before last filming a music video in Kennewick – my bandmate Jonathan’s fam lives there, and he scouted out a sweet spot for filming while he was on a run. A perk to filming there was we got to spend more time with Jonathan’s family, all of whom are mega cool. It also provided an opportunity for Edie to hang out with a little one closer to her age. Jonathan’s sister April and her husband Cameron have a beautiful little boy Grey, who is about 11 months old. It was really fun to watch the two of them interact at such a young age.
A highlight for me was when they had a long stick that each of them wanted in their mouth (of course – where else does anything go?). It looked like this:
- Edie: I want this in my mouth (puts stick in mouth)
- Grey: I want this in my mouth (pulls stick from Edie and puts in mouth)
- Edie: There’s that stick again! I want it in my mouth (pulls stick from Grey and puts in mouth)
- Grey: There’s that stick again! I want it in my mouth (pulls stick from Edie and puts in mouth)
It was something I could imagine older kids fighting or getting upset over, but it seemed like neither one of them understood that the other was taking the stick away.
We also were fortunate to get the requisite bath-time photo:
Edie also got to be in the music video. I selfishly hope that she’ll find this way cool when she gets older, instead of saying “you had me sit on the cold dirty ground with nothing on but a diaper when it was 55° outside just for your weird music video?!” That’s Ashley in the background of this picture with the mouse head on, btw:
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